Friday, March 27, 2009

The Waiting Game-Not So Fun

In a lot of ways I still feel like a kid...I still think like a kid (hopefully only a few kid thoughts escape out my mouth), I have several childlike insecurities, I still have nightmares that make me cry (or almost cry), sometimes I read like a kid (the other day I totally botched the word gargantuan...very embarrassing!), my favorite movie is "The Sound of Music," and I could keep going on and on.....

But what is really making me feel like a kid today is my impatience. Do you remember when you were young (before you could tell time) and you asked your Mom how much longer until church is over. The response could have been ten minutes or less, but to you it felt like HOURS. That is me today. I am having a hard time waiting. Waiting is very hard!

Here are the details: I have injured something in my leg. It hurts, but I really love running. Running keeps me sane, makes me feel free, and it is my little escape, my dream time. I start out my day with a good run (after I get the older kids off to school) and somehow it starts my day off just right. When I first got injured I took a couple days off ...not long enough. So I took almost two weeks off...still not better. I'm now started on my third (and hopefully final) period of rest to try and get this injury healed. I have been told to be patient, that healing takes all makes sense, but for some reason after two days I feel like that kid in church!! Minutes are hours and days are weeks! I am trying to be patient, but inside I'm throwing a little tantrum!!


  1. I thought you looked like you were limping again the other day.

    I am sorry. That is just no fun. And it's no fun trying to be patient either.

  2. While visiting back in Michigan I came to the conclusion that everything was less far away than I remembered it being. I swear that it took like an hour to go to this one place and we got there in about 15 minutes! Mike doesn't drive that much faster than my Dad does. That not being able to wait and the moments seeming like days really makes kids lives move in slow motion! As a parent now though I see how fast everything flies past. It's shocking how a few years can make such a difference in your perspective. (Wow, long comment!)
