Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Signs of Spring

When I was young my Mom would take us on Sunday afternoon walks (when it was warm, of course). They were adventures and I always looked forward to them. During the chilly weeks of March, my Mom would challenge us to keep our eyes peeled for "signs of Spring." We (my siblings and I) would run from discovery to discovery as we found daffodils poking up through flower beds or new pine needles (they are really soft when they first grow) on the pine trees. We felt especially grand when we would find a bird's nest with eggs or a caterpillar chrysalis hanging on a bush. Maybe I still am that youngster looking for signs of Spring, but I truly love this time of year as the gray dullness of winter is forgotten and Spring's colors liven and beautify the scenery!

Welcome, Spring.


  1. I did not realize that you had a blog until I noticed a post on Valerie's blog.
    I love spring also. My favorite part of spring is hearing the birds sing in the morning. I can't believe it is finally here, lets hope.
