Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Our Sponge

We have had several "sponge" children over the years but our youngest is miles ahead of the others in his ability to pick up on little conversational tidbits that shouldn't have been spoken in the first place. A quick sampling: Somewhere, (I'm sure it was around our oldest kids, unfortunately) he heard one call another "buttcrack." (Oh, the creative insults that are blurted out in a moment of anger!!) Well, being the smart child that he is, he even picked up that the correct connotation is during a fit of rage. He found just the right setting to use his newfound word at Grandma's house right when a cousin somehow sparked his short anger fuse. "Butrat, butrat, butrat!!" Fortunately this cousin didn't quite get our Sponge's toddler articulation and was spared knowing that he was just the brunt of our Sponge's new vocabulary. However...I knew what he said and so later that day...we had a careful conversation with our oldest few about how sponges pick up anything...even dirty mud.


  1. But he's such a cute little Sponge Bob.

  2. I'm not quite sure when you find the time to write all the fun stuff you do, but I love reading it and looking at your pictures. I have a hard time even thinking of what to write about, hence the reason my blog still plays christmas toons and my most recent post is on christmas trees.

  3. Eryn picked out the 1 swear word in a movie we were watching the other day and started jumping up and down on the couch saying it. We were both shocked! It's good to know that other kids have that radar for the offensive too!

  4. Uh... Sometimes it isn't the older child.

    My sis, when she was about 7 and I 10, looked at my mom one day in the car and said, "Mom, what does (the f word) mean?"

    Mom immediately looked at me. I ofcourse hadn't used the word and was curious to see what Mom would say. So I said? I don't know either.

    Needless to say, neither of us got an answer.
