Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A BIG kid

Our Star Wars fan recently joined the shooting club and has started shooting every Thursday night. He is turning into quite the little shooter and really is enjoying himself.

One of the fun parts of shooting is getting to wear all the gear. Shooters wear shooting jackets like this one above and they actually help stabilize the shooter quite a bit.

Our Star Wars fan is quite a bit too small for a shooting jacket. They just don't make them his size. Since my husband worked and worked to customize a gun that is small enough for him, I decided that I could at least try to make him a shooting jacket.

It may have taken me 20 hours or more (and several household chores have been neglected) to come up with this finished jacket that fits him perfectly!

But it was worth all of it and more to see him confident and proud in his very own shooting jacket! He feels so big and fits in with all the other shooters at the club!

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