Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Deer Hunting Part II

The hunting party has returned! They had a successful whitetail hunt and survived the arctic temperatures/mighty blizzard!

After holing up last night at a hotel in Coalville last night to wait out the storm, we were happy to see their icy truck and trailer pull up.

We are glad that they are back in one piece! They had a few scary stories about the was so cold in Wyoming that the cameras wouldn't even work so the pictures we took when they got home are the ones we have. One day the high was -7 degrees. But the best is the fact that they had to carry lighters to warm up keys/locks to open the doors! Crazy!!

One cousin shot his first deer ever, a young buck. He had already left so I didn't get his pic.

Our St. George cousin shot a nice 10 point. He was the first to shoot his deer.

My hubby shot a wide eight point (at 312 yards...a pretty respectable shot).

My husband's brother also came on the hunt and definitely was a big part of the success/fun! This will be a memorable hunt for everyone! We are so thankful they are home safely. Time for some hot chocolate!

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