Monday, February 22, 2010

She's Eight!

Sunday was a special day for our daughter...her eighth b-day.

She wanted to look extra cute so we did her hair all curly...

and then we wore matching outfits to church.

She was so excited to open her gifts and was glad when church was over so she could discover what was hiding behind the wrapping paper.
She did get a few surprises!

I think she enjoyed being sung to most of all!!

It was a great day to be eight!!


  1. ps
    where's the silver bow for the top of YOUR head??

  2. There's only a PS above b/c my first comment was somehow deleted. Said something about your gorgeous children and how that last pic is my fave...

  3. I know...we really needed a second bow to finish off the twin-ness and a pair of leggings for me! I suppose I needed curly hair too, but I only have enough energy (and patience) to do curlers once! We had fun!
