Monday, February 15, 2010

My Best Asset

We had a fabulous Valentine's Day. It was complete with handmade cards from the kids, a massive sugar overdose (thanks to school v-day exchange), a delicious date Saturday night with my Valentine, the treat of listening to our oldest give a great talk in Sacrament Meeting, a wonderful 2-hour nap after church, and the privilege of meeting our newest niece! She is sooo cute and even has a heart-shaped newborn pressure-mark on her forehead!

It was a great Valentine's Day! However...the best part of the day came late in the evening while my husband was talking to some of his teen-age nieces. I only heard the second part of the conversation, but I can only imagine that the question was posed, "What was the first thing you noticed about your wife?" Without skipping a beat, my husband answered, "Her nice derriere." (although he didn't say that word, he used another, less appropriate word)...and in front of his nieces! Anyway, after the shock of his unrefined language faded, I did notice that my derriere did get a few quick glances and I might also add, that I kind of, slightly....okay, really enjoyed the quick glances by the younger generation. I don't know that my best asset is in the same form it was when we met, but it sure felt great last night!!!


  1. tee hee. Sounds like something I'd hear Paul say. But he really would say derriere b/c he's a frenchie...speaker, that is.

  2. BWAHAHAHA!!! That's hilarious! I will chortle at that for many moons. Haha....
