Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Thought For The Day

We live in a world full of technology that makes communication easy. Often the hardest part about talking to someone is...what method should I use? Should I text, phone, email...or if I'm feeling nostalgic for the olden days...I might even write a letter.

I've been thinking about those older times and imagining what it might have been like to have lived then...before phones, airplanes, automobiles,etc. My parents live in Oregon and I live over 700 miles away from then. Communication with them would have been so hard- they would have seemed so far away!

My thought today is this:

I am so grateful for prayer. I don't have to rely on technology or proximity. I don't have to worry about cell coverage, fees, an internet provider, road conditions, or airlines strikes. I can talk to Him anytime and anywhere and I know that He can hear me. I can tell Him my hopes, my fears, my dreams, my successes, and my failures. I know that He listens and that He loves me.

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